Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Batch file to copy from all user profiles

I want to generate a batch file that will copy all *.doc and *.xls file types from a user's profile. I will then set the batch file to run automatically via Scheduled Tasks after-hours when all users are logged out. Here is what I have:
for %%x in (doc xls) do xcopy c:\Users\user1\*.%%x "\\server\i$\User Backups\user1\%computername%\" /c /i /y /s /d
This works fine, however, I need to generate a line item in the batch file for each and every user in our organization (user1, user2, etc.) so that I hit all profiles. When new users are hired, the file needs to be updated with their profile info. Ideally, I'd like something a bit more automated that is similar to this:
for %%x in (doc xls) do xcopy %userprofile%\*.%%x "\\server\i$\User Backups\%username%\%computername%" /c /i /y /s /d 
The downfall is that by using %userprofile% in place of the 'user1' input, it only runs against the currently logged in user. Is there another option I could incorporate that wouldn't care about the currently logged in user, and instead just run against all user profiles on a machine?

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