Sunday, May 18, 2014

How To Increase Your Blog Page Rank

First of all, please be advised that. Pr is not that important any more- Search Engine Result Pages or (SERP) is what giving your blog traffics and money, the more page result with rich keywords you have on Search Engine, the more traffics and money coming in…
I have no idea or what purpose you guy want to increase your blog page rank for, but whatever reason- I would recommend you to focus on SERP rather than PR. I don’t say Pr is useless. It is powerful when selling Text Link or Blogost. The buyer always focuses on high Pr site or blog.
Anyway, Here is some tips on how to increase your blog PR.
1. Make sure your site is Search Engine Friendly
2. You only post unique and quality content article on your site. Unique content means the article only published on 1 site only, not on other sites.
3. Never link to Gambling, Adult, or Pharmacy, or Warez site, ect.
4. Get back links from high Pr site, if you want to have your blog Pr4, you need to link with a site that has Pr4 and up. Homepage link is far better than Site Wide (such as blogroll- your link will display every page) link, when linking to someone always ask if they can do homepage link for you instead of site wide. Also make sure if your site is about Cambodia, you need to find a quality site that has category about or related to Cambodia- not weight loss or shopping site.
5. Don’t change your blog or site Title and Description tag too often, it will affect your site ranking and value.
Hope, it will help and just ask me anything by using the comment box below if you still have any doubt.

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